Data Set Description
This edition of the IS92 Scenarios A to F (IS92) is the official digital version for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Data Distribution Centre (DDC) for the purpose of long-term archive and distribution. 
Please note that other IS92 versions distributed from other sources may vary in different ways, including formatting, variable naming conventions, units, data values and roundings.
Along with the IPCC Socio-Economic Baseline dataset (digital version 1.1) and the IPCC Special Report for Emissions Scenarios (SRES) dataset (digital version 1.1), this dataset is distributed through the IPCC Socioeconomic DDC hosted by the Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center (SEDAC) operated by the Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN) at Columbia University. There are two digital formats available: HTML files for easy online viewing and Microsoft Excel worksheets for easy download.
To resolve the data discrepancies found in the various versions of IS92, and for consistency with distribution formats used in the Socio-Economic Baseline data set and SRES data set, this digital version 1.1 was edited by William J. Pepper at ICF Consulting, by Xiaoshi Xing and Robert S. Chen at CIESIN, and by Richard H. Moss at IPCC TGICA, based on the IS92 final digital version prepared for the IPCC Working Group I and the two IS92 publications in 1992 (which are referenced as version 1.0).
Please also note that to preserve the original data values, all of the decimal digits have been retained from the Atmospheric Stabilization Framework (ASF) model output, even though some of the long decimals may not necessarily represent the precision of the variables. In a few cases there may also be minor discrepancies with the printed report (Pepper et al.,1992) for the same reason.
Data Citation:
William J. Pepper, Xiaoshi Xing, Robert S. Chen, and Richard H. Moss (Eds.),
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Scenarios 1992 (IS92), A to F,
Digital Version 1.1, 2005, Palisades, NY: CIESIN, Columbia University.
Available at (date accessed).
J. Leggett, W.J. Pepper, R.J. Swart, J. Edmonds, L.G. Meira Filho, I. Mintzer, M.X. Wang, and J. Watson. 1992. Emissions scenarios for the IPCC: an update. Climate Change 1992: The Supplementary Report to The IPCC Scientific Assessment. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp.  68-95.
W. J. Pepper, R.J. Leggett, R.J. Swart, J. Wasson, J. Edmonds and I. Mintzer. 1992. Emission Scenarios for the IPCC: An Update, Assumptions, Methodology, and Results. Washington DC: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
Jane Leggett (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency), Jae A. Edmonds (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory), Robert J. Swart (National Institute of Public Health and the Environment, The Netherlands), Joyce E. Penner (University of Michigan), Marc Levy (The Center for International Earth Science Information Network, Columbia University), David Dokken (US Global Change Research Program), Alexei Sankovski (ICF Consulting), Hugh M. Pitcher (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory), Tsuneyuki Morita (National Institute for Environmental Studies, Japan), Timothy Carter (Finnish Environment Institute), David Viner (University of East Anglia, UK), and Michael Lautenschlager (Deutsches Klimarechenzentrum, Germany).