Acronyms and abbreviations in variable names, regions and units:
R/C Residential and Commercial
Tran Transportation
Ind Industry
Elec Electricity
(see the sheet of regions for detailed regional definitions)
USA United States of America
OECD-W Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development - West Europe and Canada
OECD-A Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development - Asia and Pacific
CPEUR Centrally Planned Europe
CPASIA Centrally Planned Asia
M-EAST Middle East
L-AMER Latin America
SEASIA South and East Asia
GNP Gross National Product
GNP/CAP Gross National Product per Capita
90US$ 1990 U.S. Dollars
CO Carbon Monoxide
CO2 Carbon Dioxide
NO Nitric Oxide
N2O Nitrous Oxide
NOx Nitrogen Oxides
SO2 Sulfur Dioxide
Sox Sulfur Oxides
CH4 Methane
EJ Exajoules
Tg CH4 Teragrams of methane
Gt C Gigatons of carbon
Tg C Teragrams of carbon
Tg N Teragrams of nitrogen
Tg S Teragrams of sulphur
kg C kilograms of carbon
GJ Gigajoules