Field Name Description
Obs Code of observation
Year_Pub Year of publication
Ref Reference in short form
Full_ref Reference in complete form
Ch_Reg Chapter Regions:  1. Africa
2. Asia
3. Australia and New Zealand
4. Europe
5. Latin America
6. North America
7. Polar Regions (Arctic and Antarctic)
8. Small Islands and Oceans
Lat Latitude
Long Longitude
Yr_start Year started
Yr_end Year ended
Duration Duration of the study (year)
Category Category of Study:   1. cryosphere
2. hydrology
3. coastal processes and zones
4. marine and freshwater biological systems
5. terrestrial biological systems
6. agriculture and forestry
7. human health (no obs)
8. disasters and hazards (no obs)
9. socio-economic indicators (no obs)
Code Code of the Category of Study:  1. cryosphere
2. hydrology
3. coastal processes
4. marine and freshwater biological systems
5. terrestrial biological systems
6. agriculture and forestry
7. human health (no obs)
8. disasters and hazards (no obs)
9. socio-economic indicators (no obs)
SGNFCNT significance:  according to the authors of each paper:
0=no, the impact observed is not statistically significant
1=yes, the impact observed is statistically significant
2=statistics not applied
Change Direction of Change:  1 = change consistent with warming (with respect with HadCRUT3  temperatures)
2 = change consistent with cooling
0 = observation with no change
Air_T Air Temperature
0=no, not statistically related
1=yes, statistically related
2= relationship not mentioned
SST Sea Surface Temperature
0=no, not statistically related
1=yes, statistically related
2= relationship not mentioned
Prec Precipitation
2= relationship not mentioned
AO Arctic Oscillation
2= not mentioned or not clear
NAO North Atlantic Oscillation
0=no, not statistically related
1=yes, statistically related
2= relationship not mentioned
ENSO El Nino Souther Oscillation
0= Authors discount El Nino
1= Authors say El Nino is a factor
2= relationship not mentioned
Land Land Use:  0= Authors Discounted Land Use Change as a factor
1= Authors suggest land use was a contributing factor
2= relationship not mentioned